September 11, 2022

Secret of amazing soups


It's beef, vegetables... The broth was slowly simmering for 6 hours... About a third of the liquid is from the tomatoes... Thickened with starch... A lot of fat was on that meat – diced into fine pieces and now floating in a thick layer on top... You can get heartburn just from looking at it...
I must say, adding 1-2 tbsp of starch to a 4-5L of soup makes it so much better... Meat kissel of sorts...

September 9, 2022

Eliot's character reference sheet

Today I received my first character reference sheet from Helen San, and I'm so happy with it…

The background was made by me, using Stable Diffusion AI image generation… It's incredible what it can make from a rough sketch and a text prompt…

Also, apparently, I have a FurAffinity account… I probably created it a long time ago, and didn't use it…

In any case, this ref sheet will make it possible for me to commission some art in the future, with me in it… Yay!!! And it's my new profile picture everywhere... Yay!!!